1. Download and install the Help Minder App from the iOS App Store or the Android Google Play store.
2. Open the Help Minder app, Sign Up for a new Help Minder account and add your initial Helpers.
3. Tap Unlock in the upper right corner of the main Help Minder app screen and then select a subscription option.
4. Go into the Helpers screen and view/Edit the settings for your helper. From here you can set Help Minder to send Email, Call, and SMS (text message) when you send an Alert.
5. Go into Settings and go into your Profile settings from there. Notice that from there you can do things like add a Landline Number, set a Siri phrase to trigger an Alert, or set up Alexa to trigger an Alert. Notice that you can also set it to Call Emergency Contact (which will then let you in put an Emergency Contact) in addition to your Helper when an Alert is triggered.
6. Add External Alerter from the Settings screen to add someone who might want to use a landline phone to send Alerts to you. When you set up an External Alerter you’ll be given a number for them to call from a landline to send an Alert
7. You can set up Delayed Alerts and/or Check-In Alerts from either the Settings screen or from the main Help Minder screen beneath the big red button. When setting up these kinds of alerts, you can add a photo, a message, and a voice recording to those kinds of alerts.
8. Language can also be changed in the Settings screen if you need the app to use a language other than English.